What is Freight Logistics Management?
The Shipper and His Role in the Transport Process
Shippers are the suppliers and manufacturers located at the base of the chain. They can organize the transport and logistics activities inside the companies or they can outsource these activities to the specialized transport or logistics companies. The increasing complexity of distribution in many sectors has accentuated the role of logistics service providers. They plan, coordinate and manage activities and, in many cases, are involved in transport activities. Their role is to develop and implement efficient logistics concepts. Logistics service providers are generally very innovative in the application of information and communication technologies to better respond to continuous market changes due to competition and changes in consumer behavior.
Freight forwarders entrust carriers with the task of moving a load over a certain distance to a pre-agreed point. According to their field of activity, shippers are mainly found in industry and distribution. Freight forwarders have a number of transportation-related objectives, including:
– cost reduction;
– reduction of delivery and production terms;
– depletion of stocks;
– improving customer service;
– the flexibility of the logistics service in order to respond better
customer needs.

400 Renaissance Center
Suite 2600
Detroit MI 48243
855 226 7123